Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Day In The Life: Elvis Homecoming Concert Statue

The snow melted away quickly and after about a week the remaining puddles have finally dried up. The sun has been poking its head out behind the gray winter clouds for the first time in what seems like months. I heard birds chirping the other day and it brought me joy to know that spring is almost here. 

I’ve been standing in the same place since August 2012, but I have no qualms with it. The reason I’m here is to serve tribute to something magnificent that happened in the very area I stand. It may have happened more than half a century ago, but it changed the landscape of music. Without me, a piece of history may one day be forgotten.

However, as long as I’m standing, history will always remain. My visitors seem to have good memory of the events, and I’ve seen visitors from all over the world. It always makes me so happy to see all the different people. I can’t always understand the language they’re speaking, but I can tell they’re happy from the smiles.

People are always nice though, sometimes they bring me flowers and teddy bears. Sometimes they like to climb up next to me and put their arm around my shoulder. One guy even hung a Christmas ornament on me. I never mind, because I know that I’m creating a memory for them.

The one thing that always tickles me is how many people want to hold my hand. Gentlemen and ladies alike, they’re always reaching for me, like I’m just out of reach but close enough to want to attempt a touch. Usually, they go ahead and grab my hand and offer a simple smile, like I’m taking them back to another time.

I enjoy all the attention from my visitors, but I think my favorite is when the little kids climb up next to me and grab onto my leg. They take a seat or hold on tightly, but they always smile big for their parents’ camera. It’s important to me that the kids learn about why I stand and also make some memories in the process.

Sometimes I wish I could tour my surroundings. I hear people discussing the other sites in town and how excited they are to continue touring. I know there’s so much history behind me. However, it’s so important that I look east. It’s a constant reminder of humble beginnings, of how a person is not defined by their circumstances and the importance of seizing opportunities.

Only time will tell how much longer I’m able to stand here. I hope that when I’m relieved of my duty that people will always remember the man that I stand for. I was at the mercy of my creator when given this task but the task is an honor to ensure the legacy of a King.  

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